Botanical name : Cyathula prostrata Blume.Family : AmaranthaceaeSANSKRIT SYNONYMS
Rakthapamarga, Mayoora, Sikhari, MarkatapippaliAYURVEDIC PROPERTIES
Rasa : Tikta, KatuGuna : Teekshna, Sara Virya : UshnaVipaka : KatuPLANT NAME IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES
English : Small prickly chaff – flower plant Hindi : Lal ChirchiraMalayalam : CherukataladiPLANT DESCRIPTION
An annual herb usually found in moist localities. The ascending branch ends in inflorescence. Stems and branches are greenish red. Leaves are simple, opposite, exstipulate and short petioled. Flowers reddish violet in terminal spikes, Fruit ovoid membranous utricles enclosed in the perinath. Seeds are oblong and single.MEDICINAL PROPERTIES
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, diseases of urinary system and uterine disorders. It has constipating property. Useful part : Roots and seeds