Botanical Name : Trachispermum roxburghianum (DC.) CraibFamily : ApiaceaeSANSKRIT SYNONYMS
Agnika, Ajamodakam, Deepyaka, Kharasva, Yavanika,AYURVEDIC PROPERTIES
Rasa : Katu, TiktaGuna : Lakhu, Rooksha, TeekshnaVirya : UshnaPLANT NAME IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES
English : Bishop’s weed Hindi : AjovanMalayalam : AyamodakamPLANT DESCRIPTION
Annual shrub, grows up to 100 cm, plant wholly covered with microscopic hairs. Leaves compound, with several segments. Inflorescence compound umbel, up to 120 flowers. Fruits covered with microscopic hairs. Seeds are small, with a peculiar fragrance.MEDICINAL PROPERTIES
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha and vata. Increase pitta and digestive fire. Seeds have antiseptic diuretic and anti inflammatory properties, cure digestive problems and cardio-myopathy. Useful part : Seeds